Titles by Gwenna Laithland
Short stories are fun and all but here are all the books I've actually convinced someone to publish. No. I have no idea how. I swear my life is mostly a series of increasingly interesting and improbable accidents.
Momma Cusses: A Field Guide to Responsive Parenting & Trying Not to Be the Reason Your Kid Needs Therapy
This book is the culmination of my keeping my kids alive and relatively stable for sixteen years. I'm not even done parenting them, so this is a very in-the-trenches examination of motherhood, responsive parenting, breaking generational cycles, and remembering that kids are people who just aren't very good at being people yet. It is the resource I wish I'd had in those earliest days of parenthood: those dark, lost, confusing moments when I was pretty sure I was doing it all wrong.
Thinky Thoughts
Thinky Thoughts is a collection of essays that explore the connection between being an
unabashed millennial and being a mother. With finding yourself, hacking off old bits of
you that don’t serve, like insecurities and fear of judgment, and with exploring new
things that don’t have anything to do with your kids. I was thirty-nine years old the first
time I read a “spicy” romance as they are called. Not just kissy-kissy, fade to black.
Nope; throbbing things and aching milk orbs. I’m not saying it was good spicy romance,
but I found it, nonetheless. Does reading erotic romance near my kids make me a bad
mom? Does it have anything to do with my identity as a mom? Or can two things exist in
the same space? The wholly formed person and the parent. I don’t know and not a
single essay in this book will answer it. But it will make those with the same questions
feel less alone.
Upcoming Fiction
Listen. This particular project is stuck in writer's purgatory so I can't tell you much about it.. But trust me, it's a fiction work that's really, really good. Swords. Hot guys. Trains. Assassins. More trains. Kidnapping. More swords. It's worth the wait.
Upcoming Fiction Book 2
Oh also, that fiction project is part of a trilogy if I get my way. So this will be where I tell you about book 2 of that trilogy.